There Is A Serene Over Russia

It isn't enough for them simply to veil us,
It isn't enough for them simply to jail us,
It isn't enough for them simply to slay us,
They need that we simply 'BE NOT'!

I'm putting the wireless on
And therefrom is reaching:
There is a serene over Russia!
There is a serene over Russia!

Though formal bans aren't imposed yet,
Though our hands aren't in chains yet,
But the hard moment is near now,
The hard year is near now,
New 1933rd.

I'm turning TV on
And therefrom is reaching:
There is a serene over Russia!
There is a serene over Russia!

The cloud above is sternly glooming,
KGB, pigs, pops are extremely cheeky,
There is now a candidate for Pinocheet
New 33rd beside us is looming.

I'm rambling through the streets
And everywherefrom is reaching:
There is a serene over Russia!
There is a serene over Russia!

The song of the Kra.Ter. band, text by М. Galayda, translation from Russian by O. Torbasow